An Interview with a Clash World Champion

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This week we have a very special guest here with us. He is the team captain of ATN.aTTaX, World Champion, and your newest Clash School coach, the one and only BuMm! After winning the Clash of Clans 2020 World Championship, BuMm was kind enough to talk about what it takes to win. He also goes over his early Clash beginnings and how to run a winning team.

How He Started

BuMm heard about Clash in 2013 from his friends and downloaded the game so he could talk to them about it. It wasn’t long before he became hooked due to the strategy involved when planning attacks. He enjoyed the challenge of tripling in war and would learn new strategies through YouTube videos of good players. Soon BuMm became really good from practicing and he wanted a new challenge.

BuMm looked to take his game to the next level by applying for the clan Dark Looters, a really popular German clan housing some of the best players in the world. Dark Looters saw BuMm’s talent and accepted him into their community. And so BuMm’s pro career began!

Clash of Clans World Championships

Fast forward to 2019, Supercell held the first Clash of Clans World Championship. BuMm was excited to play in it, and when Tribe Gaming offered him a spot on their playoffs roster, BuMm joined for a shot at the world title. Unfortunately, Tribe Gaming got eliminated, but BuMm used this as a learning experience. He realized they had not practiced enough wars in the pro format. So when BuMm joined with ATN.aTTaX as the leader of the pro roster, he looked to fix past errors.

BuMm told us that practicing offense in one hour wars helped not only their planning abilities but also their team chemistry. He said ATN’s success came from their ability to make quick plans so that they could focus on the execution of those plans. The team pushes in legend league as well, which forces them to make plans in just thirty seconds.

What Lies Ahead with Clash School

Recently, BuMm has been streaming on Twitch and commentating on live wars. He said this helps with coaching because he can practice explaining attacks to viewers that aren’t TH13. Analyzing the attacks is also helpful for trying to understand what another player is thinking. That will make it easier to help a struggling student when teaching new attack strategies.

New Pro Players

BuMm also touched on how new players can be discovered. He knows there are hidden skilled players out there and he wants to see them go pro. These players may just lack confidence or don’t have time to play at the pro level. If they can get motivated to practice and learn, BuMm believes we could see the next MVP out of nowhere.

BuMm can’t wait to start coaching with Clash School and we are excited to have him on board! And who knows, after taking BuMm’s course, you could become the next Clash of Clans World Champion.

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