recall spell

QC Recall Edragons The QC Recall EDragons strategy is a powerful attack strategy in Clash of Clans for TH15 players. This strategy involves using the Archer Queen to target key defenses while the Electro Dragons take care of the rest of the base. To execute this strategy, players must first select a target base with...
Recall Yeti Attack in Clash of Clans Ever heard of a Recall Yeti attack? Well we all know that, recall spell in Clash of Clans is a powerful spell\ that allows players to recall troops during an attack. This spell can be used to avoid dangerous defenses or to guide troops towards weaker areas of...
Clash of Clans wrote: The Town Hall level 15 is here and it’s the biggest content release we’ve ever done for a Town Hall update.  There’s Magic In the Air Town Hall 15’s magic theme is apparent throughout all of the update’s new designs. Arcane symbols are interlaced throughout every nook and cranny of the...
Clash of Clans wrote: If you recall yesterday’s sneak peek, that final pun may not have drilled the point home but maybe today’s preview surface with a stunning revelation. As with the new Pet House levels, you may have noticed the Spell Factory and Siege Workshop levels alluded to some new units being introduced.  For...

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