Ice Golems, Witches and Bats at TH15 in Clash of Clans

Witches and Bats at TH15

Ice Golems, Witches and Bats at TH15

In Clash of Clans, one of the fun strategies for attacking a TH15 base is the 12 witches, 10 ice golems, and 6 bats spell attack. This attack relies on the powerful combination of witches, ice golems, and bats to overwhelm the defenses of the enemy base.

The witches provide a steady stream of skeletons that can distract and absorb damage from enemy point defenses. The ice golems, with their high health and freeze effect, can soak up even more damage and freeze enemy defenses in place, allowing the witches, heroes and bats to do more damage.

The bats, meanwhile, provide a fast and agile source of damage that can quickly take out key enemy defenses. The bats can also distract enemy defenses, allowing the witches and ice golems to continue their attack.

To execute this attack, it is important to carefully plan out the deployment of each troop and spell. Find good spots to use your bat spells preferably in an area with less splash damage

Overall, the 12 witches, 10 ice golems, and 6 bats spell attack is a fun strategy that you can use at TH15 in Clash of Clans.

Sir Moose

Sir Moose is a content creator within the Clash of Clans community. He has made a name for himself by providing high-quality gameplay videos and informative tutorials on various aspects of the game.

Sir Moose’s content is focused on providing tips and tricks for both new and experienced players of Clash of Clans. His videos cover a wide range of topics, including base building, attack strategies, and resource management.

One of the unique aspects of Sir Moose’s content is his ability to make complex strategies and concepts easily understandable for his audience. He breaks down each element of the game and explains how they work together to create a successful attack or defense.

He is also know for his Base Building skills.

Overall, Sir Moose’s dedication to providing high-quality content has made him a respected figure within the Clash of Clans community. His videos are both informative and entertaining, making him a go-to source for anyone looking to improve their game.

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